Instruction and help
Here you will find help for all functions and the necessary Declarations to be able to use the service.
Since the software supports any number of clubs and they can not to be able to see each other, it is essential for everyone Association to have at least one client of its own. One client corresponds to the area in which a club organises its tournaments holds.
Register clients
Clients are created together with the first account of the client created. To do this, go to the registration link on the start page and enter the account details and the name of the wanted client. If one client is sufficient for a whole association, the name should be in the rule the name of the association. Otherwise, something like the department can be added also. The name of a client and also the name of the account must be unique for the entire service. The name of the account should therefore ideally also have some kind of connection to the club. The account which gets created by the registration, automatically has write permissions and can create further accounts or manage them. If you like, you can also give your client a nice club logo (under Settings)
Create client
Clients cannot be created without the registration process...
Delete client
The deletion of a client can be done via the Contact form with the title "Deletion of the client xyz". The request must be sent from the email which was entered during the registration process.
Accounts are users who log on to the system (at client level) . They are not the players who participating in tournaments. Accounts can have write access (Admin accounts) or read-only rights. A tournament administrator must have write access. Players should in maximum should get read-only access. Players can also self-register for free with read-only rights.
Register account
With the registration link on the start page players can even create a user for an existing client (club), with whom they can view the tournament results or intermediate results. The name of an account must be unique and has to refer to only one client. The club administrator can also create an account with write permissions provided.
Create accounts
In addition to the self-registration, administrators can also create accounts. You are then responsible for the created accounts. Accounts can, as already mentioned, get read or write permissions.
Edit accounts
Accounts can also be edited afterwards. So an account can be renamed, the time zone or the email address can be adjusted. Changing or setting a new password is also possible. Moving one account to another client is not possible.
Delete accounts
If an account is no longer needed you can simply delete them. Please do not delete the "last" account with Write permissions! If this should happen accidentally, please contact me via contact form.
Lock accounts
If an account is temporarily no longer needed, the you can lock (and later unlock) them. You will not be able to log in with these accounts while locked. Unlocking is only possible by an administrator
The system supports different types of tournaments. For each tournament you can decide how many points for a set win are necessary and how many sets are required to win a game. Also set the size of the teams and whether they are fixed in advance or not.
Tournament modes
In the following you will find the different tournament systems introduced
Joke tournament
A joke tournament is a very special kind of tournament. The main idea is the fun factor. For this purpose the system can create random teams per round and let them compete against each other. The system tries to do this, that the teams differ as much as possible from round to round and that competes against other players in each round if possible. At the same time the system tries to make the games as fair and balanced as possible
There are 3 different sub modes that can be set additionally. These influence the formation of the teams and matches.
- "Equal team strength" primarily tries to form teams that are as equally strong as possible. This can also result in games where two very strong teams fight each other. It counts the strength of the players (preset) as well as their progress.
- "Random team members" tries to create random teams. However, it is also attempted to ensure that the matches are are balanced. Typical here are mating, where the strongest player are together with the weakest one
- "Switch after each round" switches between the both of the above mentioned modes.
In a joke tournament it is not possible to enter fixed teams in advance. Typically, the game is played in teams of two, although solo teams would be possible also.
A ranked tournament is typically used to to display the club ranking list. This list can be created every year or can exist forever. The players, the trainer or head of department is completely free to decide, who's playing against whom. Important is also the correct date for the games, because there is the possibility to let old games automatically devaluate, so that the players prove themselves again and again and are forced to play more games. The rankings reflect the ratio of games won to games lost. It does not count the total number of games won!
KO tournaments
A KO tournament has a size of 8 or 16 possible "teams". These teams can be either single players, doubles or mixed. If fewer players than necessary are available, the the remaining players are filled with "dummies". Played is then a classic knock out system with or without a consolation round. In a tournament with consolation everybody who loses is moved in to the consolation side for one more chance. In the end, a player can also be the winner who entered consolation by winning all further matches. If you play without a consolation round there are the classic tournament stages, such as round of sixteen, quarter-finals, semi-finals and the endgame. In this mode there is an additional View, which clearly shows the current tournament status.
- A 16 field KO tournament with consolation round consists of 8 rounds
- A 16 field KO tournament without consolation round consists has 4 rounds only
- A 8 field KO tournament with consolation round has 6 rounds
- A 8 field KO tournament without consolation round has 3 rounds.
The size of the field (8 or 16) is currently automatically determined by the number of teams selected.
Everybody against everybody
This mode often serves as a preliminary round for an actual main round in KO mode. Often there are 3 or 4 players or teams in a group. everyone playes against everyone. The system generates these matches and rounds automatically
- The tournament has: "Number of players" * "Number of players"-1 / 2 rounds.
You can play as as teams or as a single player.
Combined tournaments
Combined tournaments consist of several individual tournaments. For example you want to play preliminary rounds before the final KO round to reduce the amount of matches. A combined tournament therefore always consists of several "incoming" tournaments (typically of the same type) and one outgoing tournament of any type. You can decide how many of the best teams are taken into the follow-up tournament. After finishing the incoming tournaments (preliminary rounds) the players are moved automatically into the final tournament by pressing the "run" button of the combined tournament.
Tournament Management
Create tournaments
In the tab for tournaments new tournaments can be created. The tournaments are listed by name, type of tournament and things like team size and the number of sets or points for a set win. You can also configure whether teams are fixed and some expert details the joke tournament
Edit tournaments
In principle, all parameters of a tournament can be changed at least as long as the tournament has not been "started" yet. For example it makes no sense in the running tournament to modify the tournament mode or the number of players per team.
Delete tournaments
Normally, there is no need to delete a tournament. But if you like, it can be done of course. Keep in mind, that the settings, players information or game data are then irrevocable deleted (if tournament is not exported/saved)!
Copy tournaments
If you plan to create a similar tournament again, you can copy/duplicate a tournament. All settings, teams and players are copied. The matches of course not.
Export tournaments
Tournaments can also be exported and saved locally. This can be used as a local private backup on the one hand, but also for later import into the same or another client. The export is a complete deduction of all tournament information
Import tournaments
With this function you can import a previously exported tournament. The import can also be performed into a new client. In contrast to the "duplicate" function, all tournament settings and dates are included (like mathes). If you import a tournament into the same client from which it was exported, you only need to select a new name for the tournament and you can use it again
Player management
Players are not accounts. They represent a badminton player and not the user of the service.
Create players
Players are identified by their name, so it is fine to use nickname or whatever you like. However, player names must be unique and are always assigned to a single tournament (but for combined tournaments). Besides the name a so-called "preset" can be defined per player. A preset greater than 0 means that the player is "good" player above average and for example in a KO tournament or in a joke Tournament he is then rated as a strong player right from the beginning. Values from 0-10 are typical. But the range of values is freely selectable. Negative values are reserved for dummy players and should not be used manually.
Edit player
It is possible to rename players or to change the preset of the players. This can also be done during a running tournament.
Delete player
If you no longer need a player, you can simply delete him, at least as long as he hasn't not marked for a match or has even completed a match, in that case you have to delete all games of that single player first.
Players are usually grouped together in dynamic teams. Even if a team consists of only one player. These dynamic Teams are normally not directly visible to the user. But you can also form fixed and stable teams, if you choose the corresponding setting in the tournament. Joke tournaments can only be held with dynamic teams, because of its base idea!
Fixed teams
As already mentioned, for most tournament modes, you can also use static and fixed formed teams. This is typical when you do doubles or mixes. Joke tournaments are an exception.
create teams
Teams are created in the corresponding tab for teams. You simply select the players and combine them to teams.
delete teams
Teams can be deleted only if they are fixed and if they have not played any games.
A tournament is always organized in rounds. A round has a per tournament type and number of teams/players a certain number Games (Matches).
Create rounds
You can create a round in the "Match" tab with the corresponding button. The system then creates the matches to be played this round. There are no explicit rounds for rankings. Here every match has its own round.
Delete rounds
Rounds can also be deleted under certain circumstances. So it is possible to delete the last round for all tournament modes. At KO systems, however, it is not possible to delete other rounds than the last one.
If rounds are deleted out of the "middle", the round numbers get re-ordered!
Matches are the actual games in a tournament. They are always embedded in a round. For some game modes it is not possible to create individual matches. For some game modes it is not possible to create individual matches, for example in a KO tournament the matches are determined by the previous games. In a joke tournament they are selected randomly. At rankings on the other hand, there are no rounds and therefor individual matches are created instead.
Create match
When you create a match, it always consists of the selection of the teams to compete against each other. Teams can be either players or real fixed teams.
Enter match result
At the end of a match, the result must be entered. Depending on how many winning sets are played, these are entered accordingly. The system then automatically calculates who has won and who lost.
Delete match
Matches can get deleted also, but like rounds not always. Mostly it is only usefull for rankings. Keep in mind, that the deleted data is irrevocably removed and cannot be restored!
Hold tournament
Basically you would have a tournament as follows.
- Create tournament with the desired parameters
- Add player to the tournament (on the player tab)
- Create rounds or matches on the Matches tab
- Record the match result on the Matches tab
- On the player or team tab you can always see the tournament intermediate result.
Evaluate tournament
The evaluation of a tournament is possible at any time via the player or team tab. As soon as results for the tournament are available the system calculates these result and ranks independently.